Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cuti-cuti Malaysia...Here we come Cameron Highlands

Posted by Princess Hour at 10:54 AM 0 comments

We were going a holiday vacation at Cameron Highlands last weekend. Its fun n enjoy...hehehe...cuti dgn best fren...pastu dpt lak yg bengong2...hahhaha...Sronok sgt...Kena plk dgn cuti sem skng ni...kire release sket laa...minggu dpn da start new sem...huhuhu...So kena struggle lg...I want more n more holiday with u guys...The best n the most beautiful things that i done. We want to celebrate the happiness of our friendship. Jannah, anim n erra...Thank you so much for being my friend. Thank you for being there when I needed you the most and helping me through all those tough times in life. Thank you for being such a good friend no matter what I did. Most of all, thank you for being you. I love u all.

Gambo ni dr Lata Iskandar...cantik btol laa scenery dia...

Ini kat kebun cactus..kekeke

Singgah minum tea...Tea time...amik scenery view kat cni..cantik sungguh permandangan ni...Subhanallah...:-)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Criminal minds season 4 coming back....

Posted by Princess Hour at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Yahooooo.....!!! Next Monday Criminal Minds season 4 will be showing at 8tv. I'm very excited when i see the promo at 8tv. I was hooked since 1st episode in season 1. The variety of characters, crime scene and the plot of suspense in every episode. So long to waiting this series at tv malaysia. Last episode in season 3, the SUV was explodes. It was shocked. The end of this season so surprising and mysterious. I want to know which one of the teams has been in SUV when explodes. Even, I've already reads the spoiler at criminal minds fans...hehehhe...Tak sabar nye psl....At US, this series already in season 5. Gile cepat...tp takpe laaa...at least this series still go on and 8tv still amik this series...

The main cast:
David Rossi is Joe Mantegna
Aaron Hotchner is Thomas Gibson
Emily Prentiss is Paget Brewster
Derek Morgan is Shemar Moore
Dr. Spencer Reid is Matthew Gray Gubler
Jennifer Jareau is A.J. Cook
Penelope Garcia is Kirsten Vangsness
credit to http://criminalmindswiki.wetpaint.com/photos/album/49326/Season+4

Criminal Minds Characters - Criminal Minds Wiki
JJ Jareau

Criminal Minds Characters - Criminal Minds Wiki
David Rossi
Criminal Minds Characters - Criminal Minds Wiki
Aaron Hotchner
Criminal Minds Characters - Criminal Minds Wiki
Emily Prentiss
Criminal Minds Characters - Criminal Minds Wiki
Derek Morgan
Criminal Minds Characters - Criminal Minds Wiki
Dr. Spencer Reid
Criminal Minds Characters - Criminal Minds Wiki
Penelope Garcia

Former Characters:
Criminal Minds Characters - Criminal Minds Wiki
Elle Greenaway

Criminal Minds Characters - Criminal Minds Wiki
Jason Gideon

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Condolence to my fren

Posted by Princess Hour at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Yesterday, hana call me and told me that maya's young brother has passed away abt 6.00 am. The news came as quite a shock to me...totally out of my mind....I know how hard it is to lose a sibling. I know how close arwah ady and maya. But I'm sure he will live in maya n family heart for all the time. I hope Maya n family will be strong..I am praying that Allah will give maya n family the strength and courage to face this situation. May Allah Bless Ady.




Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Finally for this semester.....

Posted by Princess Hour at 12:04 PM 0 comments

I'm only take 2 subjects for this semester...But the subjects are so taught...Both are involved programming code. 2 projects programming must sent to the lecturer on final exam...I'm struggle to finish the project. I take a rest only 2 or 3 hours a day.....After finishing the project, prepare to do the revision for final...1st final on date 31st Oct and the 2nd was yesterday on date 2nd Nov. Finally....fuhhh its really feel free....MERDEKA.....just for this semester....

One month semester break...then continue back....This is normal flow for part time student like me...
I have been working hard on my studies...I really hope, next year will be a final year...Insyaallah if my interest so strong to further on master....i will continue...just angan-angan....hehhhe....

Friday, October 9, 2009

Celebrating my 30th birthday

Posted by Princess Hour at 11:39 AM 0 comments

On 29 september, we are celebrating Hari Raya together with colleague. Surprising that they also celebrating my belated 30th birthday...Thank you so much my dear frens. Its so lovely n nice party. Really appreciate it. We doing the pot luck and everyone bring the foods. We only 4 members at EDNMS...but we eating so much....hehehe

Here are the food that we cooked.....nyumm...nyumm....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mencari malam Lailatulqadar

Posted by Princess Hour at 11:44 AM 0 comments
credit to http://www.al-azim.com/masjid/sinopsis2.html

10 akhir Ramadhan adalah merupakan di antara malam-malam yang penuh dengan keberkatan dan kelebihan yang tertentu. Malam-malam ini adalah merupakan malam yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh seluruh orang mukmin. Bulan Ramadhan, Al Quran dan malam Lailatulqadar mempunyai hubungan yang rapat antara satu sama lain sebagaimana yang diterangkan di dalam kitab Allah dan hadis Rasulullah s.a.w. di antaranya firman Allah s.w.t.

Maksudnya: "Sesungguhnya kami menurunkan Al-Quran pada malam Lailatulqadar dan apakah yang menyebabkan engkau mengerti apa itu Lailatulqadar. Lailatulqadar lebih baik daripada 1000 bulan. Pada malam itu, para malaikat dan Jibril turun dengan keizinan daripada Tuhan mereka untuk setiap urusan. Malam ini sejahtera hingga terbit fajar".

Sebab turun surah al-Qadr

Lailatulqadar mempunyai kelebihan yang begitu besar. Ianya lebih baik dari 1000 bulan yang lain. Sebab diturunkan ayat tersebut diriwayatkan daripada Mujahid dikatakan sebab turun ayat tersebut ialah Nabi s.a.w. telah menyebut tentang seorang lelaki daripada Bani Israel yang telah menggunakan alat senjatanya untuk berperang pada jalan Allah maka orang Islam pun kagum di atas perbuatan itu lalu Allah menurunkan ayat di atas.

Riwayat yang lain pula dari Ali bin Aurah pada satu hari Rasulullah telah menyebut 4 orang Bani Israel yang telah beribadah kepada Allah selama 80 tahun. Mereka sedikitpun tidak derhaka kepada Allah lalu para sahabat kagum dengan perbuatan mereka itu. Jibril datang memberitahu kepada Rasulullah bahawa Allah w.s.t. menurunkan yang lebih baik dari amalan mereka. Jibril pun membaca surah Al Qadar dan Jibril berkata kepada Rasulullah ayat ini lebih baik daripada apa yang engkau kagumkan ini menjadikan Rasulullah s.a.w. dan para sahabat amat gembira.

Daripada ayat di atas dapatlah kita ketahui bagaimana besar kelebihan orang yang beribadah pada malam lailatulqadar. Ianya satu malam menyamai beramal 1000 bulan.

Dalam hadis Rasulullah s.a.w. menyebut

Maksudnya: "Rasulullah bersungguh-sungguh beribadah pada 10 akhir bulan Ramadhan lebih daripada yang lainnya"

Rasulullah s.a.w. melakukan ibadah pada malam itu bukan hanya setakat baginda sahaja tetapi baginda menyuruh ahli keluarga bangun bersama beribadah. Kata Aisyah r.a.

Maksudnya: "Nabi s.a.w. apabila masuk 10 akhir bulan Ramadhan baginda mengikat kainnya. Menghidupkan malam dengan beribadah dan membangunkan keluarganya untuk sama-sama beribadah. Mengikat kainnya bermaksud bersungguh-sungguh mengerjakan ibadah."

Kelebihan Menghayati Malam Lailatulqadar

Kerana mulianya Lailatulqadar, Rasulullah s.a.w. menganjurkan supaya umatnya bersedia menyambut dan menghayati malam yang berkat itu dengan pelbagai jenis amalan dan ibadah yang diterangkan di antaranya hadis yang diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah r.a.

Maksudnya: "Barangsiapa menghayati malam Lailatulqadar dengan mengerjakan sembahyang dan berbagai jenis ibadat yang lain sedang ia beriman dan mengharapkan rahmat Allah taala nescaya ia diampunkan dosanya yang terdahulu.

Rasulullah s.a.w. sendiri menjadi contoh yang baik yang menghayati malam lailatulqadar terutama 10 malam yang akhir daripada bulan Ramadhan dengan beriktikaf di Masjid mengerjakan pelbagai amal ibadah untuk menyambut malam Lailatulqadar yang mulia.

Ini diterangkan di dalam satu hadis diriwayatkan daripada Aishah r.a. Katanya:

Maksudnya: "Biasanya Rasulullah s.a.w. berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh memperbanyakan amal ibadah pada 10 malam yang akhir daripada bulan Ramadhan berbanding dengan masa yang lain."

Dalam hadis yang lain Aishah juga meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda bersedialah dengan bersungguh-sungguh untuk menemui malam Lailatulqadar pada malam-malam yang ganjil dalam 10 malam yang akhir daripada bulan Ramadhan.

Malam-malam yang ganjil yang tersebut ialah malam 21, 23, 25, 27 & 29 dari bulan Ramadhan. Dalam pada itu terdapat juga beberapa hadis yang menyatakan bahawa malam Lailatulqadar itu pernah ditemui dalam zaman Rasulullah s.a.w. pada malam 21 Ramadhan. Pernah juga ditemui pada malam 23 Ramadhan. Terdapat juga hadis yang mengatakan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. menjawab pertanyaan seorang sahabat yang bertanya mengenai masa Lailatulqadar supaya ianya bersedia dan menghayatinya. Baginda menjelaskan malam Lailatulqadar itu adalah malam 27 Ramadhan. Dari keterangan-keterangan di atas dapatlah kita membuat kesimpulan bahawa malam Lailatulqadar itu berpindah dari satu tahun ke satu tahun yang lain di dalam lingkungan 10 malam yang akhir dari bulan Ramadhan. Yang pastinya bahawa masa berlakunya malam Lailatulqadar itu tetap dirahsiakan oleh Allah s.w.t. supaya setiap umat Islam menghayati 10 malam yang akhir daripada Ramadhan dengan amal ibadat. Kerana dengan cara itulah sahaja mudah-mudahan akan dapat menemuinya dan dapat pula rahmat yang diharapkan yang akan menjadikan seseorang itu hidup bahagia di dunia mahupun di akhirat.

Doa khusus di Malam Lailatulqadar

Doa tersebut diterangkan di dalam hadis berikut

1. Hadis yang diriwayatkan daripada Aishah r.a.

Maksudnya: "Saya pernah bertanya kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. bagimana kiranya saya mengetahui malam Lailatulqadar dengan tepat. Apa yang saya akan doakan pada saat itu. Baginda menjawab berdoalah dengan doa yang berikut"

Maksudnya: "Ya Allah ya Tuhanku sesungguhnya engkau sentiasa memaafkan salah silaf hamba lagi suka memaafkan oleh itu maafkanlah salah silafku. Terdapat juga beberapa doa yang disar ankan oleh para alim ulamak kita melakukannya seperti membaca doa

Orang yang beribadah pada 10 malam yang tersebut akan mendapat rahmat yang dijanjikan dan telah sabit di dalam hadis-hadis yang sahih bahawa malam Lailatulqadar ujud pada salah satu malam yang 10 itu terutama pada malam 21, 23, 25, 27 dan 29. Orang-orang yang tekun beribadah di dalam masa tersebut untuk menemui malam Lailatulqadar akan mendapat rahmat yang dijanjikan itu samada ia dapat menemui atau tidak dan tidak melihat apa-apa kerana yang penting yang tersebut di dalam hadis sahih riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim ialah:

1. Menghayati malam tersebut dengan beribadah. 2. Beriman dengan yakin bahawa malam Lailatulqadar itu adalah benar dan dituntut menghayatinya dengan amal ibadah. 3. Amal ibadah itu dikerjakan kerana Allah semata-mata dengan mengharapkan rahmatnya dan keredaannya.

Adalah diharapkan sebelum daripada kita beramal ibadat di malam Lailatulqadar hendaklah kita bertaubat dengan sebenar-benarnya iaitu taubat nasuha dan terus beristiqamah tetap teguh mengerjakan suruhan Allah dan meninggalkan segala larangannya.

Tanda Malam Lailatulqadar

Para alim ulamak r.h. menyebutkan beberapa tanda atau alamat berhubung dengan malam Lailatulqadar:

- Ada yang berkata orang yang menemui malam Lailatulqadar ia melihat nur yang terang benderang di segenap tempat hingga di segala cerok yang gelap gelita.
- Ada pula yang berkata ia mendengar ucapan salam dan kata-kata yang lain dari Malaikat.
- Ada juga yang berkata ia melihat segala benda termasuk pohon-pohon kayu rebah sujud.
- Ada pula yang berkata doa permohonannya makbul.

Imam Tabari r.h. memilih kaul yang menegaskan bahawa semuanya itu tidak lazim dan tidak semestinya ia dapat melihatnya kerana tidak disyaratkan melihat sesuatu atau mendengarnya untuk menemui malam Lailatulqadar.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

His music will live forever - My lovely Singer

Posted by Princess Hour at 1:16 PM 0 comments

"May Allah be with you Michael, always." Jermaine Jackson said when announcing Michael Jackson’s death.

Music legend Michael Jackson has died at the age of 50, after suffering a cardiac arrest at his home in Beverly Hills.

He's very best singer on this era. I will missing you Michael Jackson. MJ remains in my heart forever...I adore much more than others..their showmanship in concert.. remains in my life.. forever!

Michael Jackson was a huge talent who'll be missed, and he was one of our better, kinder kids whose life and story spun out of control.

Take a look back at some of the most memorable moments in MJ life.

Note: credit to forum.cari.com.my

When i hear his song especially their song about Have you seen my Childhood, it's very touching. He most intimately personal of his career. From this song, MJ had a childhood, just a different one from other kids. He traveling to the places that most kids never see,
meeting people that most kids would die to meet, and being praised constantly for his talent.

I'm really missed him so much. My heartfelt feelings exactly…completely broken. Here are the childhood lyrics

Michael Jackson Childhood Lyrics:

Have you seen my Childhood
I'm searching for the world that I come from
'Cause I've been looking around
In the lost and found of my heart...
No one understands me
They view it as such strange eccentricities...
'Cause I keep kidding around
Like a child, but pardon me...

People say I'm not okay
'Cause I love such elementary things...
It's been my fate to compensate,
for the Childhood
I've never known...

Have you seen my Childhood?
I'm searching for that wonder in my youth
Like pirates in adventurous dreams,
Of conquest and kings on the throne...

Before you judge me, try hard to love me,
Look within your heart then ask,
Have you seen my Childhood?

People say I'm strange that way
'Cause I love such elementary things,
It's been my fate to compensate,
for the Childhood I've never known...

Have you seen my Childhood?
I'm searching for that wonder in my youth
Like fantastical stories to share
The dreams I would dare, watch me fly...

Before you judge me, try hard to love me.
The painful youth I've had

Have you seen my Childhood...

How Could You?
by Unseen Exposure
How could you turn your back on me when I screamed your name so loud?
How could you let me fall away from you, did you get too proud?
How could you watch as I died a gruesome death and broke apart?
How could you walk away from me, or were you never really there to start?

How could you be so cruel to me when all I ever tried to do was fit in?
How could you be so hypocritical when I spoke my secrets from deep within?
How could you have said those things and pretended that they were true?
How could you have meant them all-I don't understand what you're trying to do.

How could you pull the floor from beneath me when I just learned to stand?
Please, could you just explain this to me, Because I don't understand..
How could you play this game of pretend and play the part of a friend?
How could you be so thoughtless, how could you want this all to end?

How could you look me in the eye and say the cruelest of words?
How could you say you listened to me when you never really heard?
How could you stick this knife in my chest, then twist it where you wanted it to go?
Please answer me all these questions, I really need to know

How could you have done things and live with no regret?
How could you not remember what you said, how could you forget?
How could you say you'd do it, and then never really follow through
But really, I just have one question to ask ... I just want to know, How could you??

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My True Bestfriend

Posted by Princess Hour at 2:38 PM 0 comments

Here are the nice poem dedicated to my true best friend.To my lovely friends, i always be with you and i know that wherever we are in our lives we will always remain friends. Even if we do not see each other for years we are able to pick up right where we left off.

There's been so many times
where I've needed you as my friend,
No matter what the reason is you be there til the end.

Every time i need to talk or I'm sad and feeling blue,
you understand, your honest and you'll give your point of view.

You always put me first if i need you to be there,
I appreciate you doing this it shows how much you really care.

Your unconditional friendship showed me the person i am inside,
and just to be myself is something i never have to hide.

If you ever need anything, anytime day or night
I promise i will be there to try and make it right.

Coz i hope i can do for you all the things you've done for me,
Coz a true friend is what you forever will always be.

Credit to SuzieQ

Gud Luck My Fren

Posted by Princess Hour at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Especially to my fren Erni....

Congratulations, you must be so happy bcoz got offer going to Belgium....hard to say gud bye to you....You may be out of my sight... but never out of my mind... I will be missing you beb...This is just the beginning of the bright path that's filled with your hopes and dreams.... I am waiting and hoping and wishing for the time, when we can be together again...Wishing you luck & success…

Congratulation to my dear fren

Today becomes a special day
When you are truly on your way
To gather all the knowledge gained
Each moment spent so wisely framed

I wish you luck in all you do
With all that's good and right for you
To seize the day with all it's power
Accomplishments of all the hours

Each day a new road that you see
To bring you knowledge constantly
Know that you have done your best
Proud that you have reached your quest

So on this day of perfect light
I see the glow so very bright
And there's a world for you to see
A place that holds you sacredly

With the passing of time
you have acquired knowledge,
understanding and friendship.

With the help of many you are
prepared to meet tomorrow's challenges.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

Posted by Princess Hour at 3:01 PM 2 comments
This is a great series to watch. I have been hooked on this show since the beginning because I love watching mysteries and crime like CRIMINAL MIND, CSI, PRISON BREAK, BONES, THE MENTALIST and new series LIE TO ME.

Yesterday at 8tv, the team lost one of its own, director Jenny Shepard (Lauren Holly) was killed in a shootout, while Tony (Michael Weatherly), Ziva (Cote de Pablo), Tim (Sean Murray) were seemingly reassigned, leaving Gibbs (Mark Harmon) with a seemingly new team

I can't wait this series at 8tv for 6 season of NCIS. The murder of a Officer leads Gibbs to uncover a shocking connection between the case and Director Vance's decision to disband his team. huuhuhhuhu..so sad...

This is the plot summary about this series. I taken from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364845/plotsummary.
Credit to http://www.cbs.com/primetime/ncis/photos/

Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs is the leader of a team of special agents belonging to the NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service) Major Case Response Team.

Gibbs, a former Marine, is a tough investigator and a highly skilled interrogator who relies on his gut instinct as much as evidence. Gibbs' second in command is Senior Field Agent Tony DiNozzo, a womanizing, movie-quoting former Baltimore Homicide Detective, who despite being the class clown always gets the job done.

The team also consists of Officer Ziva David, a Mossad officer who is a skilled fighter, as well as Junior Field Agent Timothy McGee, a computer-savvy agent often mocked by DiNozzo.

Assisting them are Abby Sciuto, the energetic-but-Goth lab tech who is like a daughter to Gibbs, and Dr. Donald Mallard, nicknamed Ducky, the eccentric medical examiner full of unusual stories. This team of elite agents, based in Washington, D.C., solve criminal cases involving Marine and Navy personnel and their families, sometimes traveling the United States - or the world - to do it.

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